She is called the Giant of Africa because of the vastness of her land and the diversity of her people (250 ethnic groups speaking about 500 distinct languages). On the 1st of Oct.1960, She gained independence from the British colonial masters. Yet, she is not “totally” FREE as she is eclipsed by several militating factors. She has been bruised and battered.
The nation Nigeria, has a significant role to play in God’s agenda for the end time Harvest, hence the fierce battle for this Nation.
Join us at this edition of Reignite where we shall cry out to the Lord on behalf of Nigeria and other nations.
Topic: A Nation to Win-Battle Cry for the lost in our Nation
Date: 1st October 2023
Time: 6pm
Venue: CAPRO International Office, Agape Chapel.10, Turton Street, Sabo Yaba-Lagos Nigeria
Meeting ID:840 1152 3647
Passcode: REIGNITE
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