Reignite: “Man, the abode of God” part 2

Do you know that ‘Man was made for a covenant communion with God in righteousness and Holiness? While the Fall has marred the image of God – shattering the righteousness and Holiness in which we were first made – God sent His Holy son Jesus Christ: Our Ancient Landmark to reconcile us back to Him. […]

Reignite: Man, the abode of God

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Mike Oye ‘Man was made for covenant communion with God in righteousness and Holiness. While the Fall has marred the image of God – shattering the righteousness and Holiness in which we were first made – God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem mankind and restore the image of God “in […]


Dearly beloved in Christ Jesus. We’re thrilled to welcome you aboard! Please kindly register here. Impact, an annual youth conference hosted by Calvary Ministries, is aimed at young professionals, students, and young adults. This conference is tailored to empower, equip, and mobilize youth through the timeless word of God, preparing them to be catalysts for […]

Reignite: A Nation to Win-Battle Cry for the lost in our Nation

She is called the Giant of Africa because of the vastness of her land and the diversity of her people (250 ethnic groups speaking about 500 distinct languages). On the 1st of Oct.1960, She gained independence from the British colonial masters. Yet, she is not “totally” FREE as she is eclipsed by several militating factors. […]


white book page beside green potted plant

By Sola Olufemi Something seems to be missing in our practice of Christianity. We seem to be doing everything right, but Heaven is not seeing the expected outcome – our spiritual efforts are not yielding the right fruit. There is a missing link somewhere. In Israel’s practice of righteousness, the Bible says in Isa. 58:2, […]

Lagos Arise LDG Is Here

The metropolitan city of Lagos are you ready? LDG comes to your town in grand style. Do you know that for the past 4 decades LDG has been like a voice in the wilderness? A clarion call to the church.A call to awaken her from her slumber as she prepares for Christ’s imminent return.A call […]

Occupy Editorial: The cry of the other Sheep.

In the Sahel, right from Senegal all the way to Ethiopia are scattered people groups, many of which are unengaged by the Church of Jesus Christ. All the people groups found in the Sahel and the unengaged peoples in other parts of the world constitute the ‘other sheep’ the Church must reach before Christ comes. […]

Reignite: The Place of Watchmen in God’s Global Move

Every believer is called to be a spiritual watchman to some degree in his or her prayer life. It may be a watchman upon the walls of your family, or the walls of your church or your city, or God may entrust you with being a spiritual watchman on the walls of the nation. – […]

Reignite: Passion for Souls

Oh! to realize that SOULS, precious, never dying Souls are perishing all around us, going out into the blackness of darkness and despair, and eternally lost and yet to feel no anguish, shed no tears, know no travail – Oswald J. Smith This is a special invitation for you to Reignite your passion for souls […]

WOMEN MISSIONS CONFERENCE – You are my battle axe.

It is happening live and direct, join us for CAPRO Women Missions Conference. WMC is a life Transforming Conference that sharpens the Missions vision in every woman. My dear sisters, YOU ARE GOD’S BATTLE AXE. Please invite another sister and let us come and learn together at the master’s feet. Theme – You are my […]