Calvary Ministries – CAPRO @ 48

CAPRO 48TH ANNIVERSARY: Celebrating the Power of the Gospel God has been faithful. Join us as we pray and praise God for His faithfulness DATE: Saturday 22 April 2023.VENUE: Harmony Hall Yaba Baptist ChurchTIME: 9:00am to 2:00pm ACTIVITIES AT CAPRO INTERNATIONAL OFFICE CAPRO international office is at 10, Turton Street Sabo Yaba, Lagos. For more […]
Reignite: The Cry of the Other Sheep

The month of April is special to the CAPRO family globally as we appreciate God for His faithfulness to us these past 48 years. Amidst the thanksgiving and celebration, we still hear the cry of the other sheep who are yet to be brought to the fold. What do you hear? The month of April […]
Reignite: The Sovereignty of God over the nations – Sam Are

In our day to day lives, in our nations, events just keep unfolding. Do you know that our God is sovereign over even the most ‘seemingly’ insignificant events? Please join us this sunday for REIGNITE , as our dear brother; Bro. Sam Are will share with us on “The Sovereignty of God’ It promises to […]
REIGNITE- Bringing in the Other Sheep-Jesus’ Priority

I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.(John 10:16 NIV) There is a burning desire in the heart of our king, to bring in the other sheep Join us next Sunday, […]
Reignite: …WHEN NO MAN CAN WORK! (Nov. Edition)

Do you know that… Time is coming when strivings shall ceaseTime is coming when the rat race shall endTime is coming when time is no moreTime is coming …WHEN NO MAN CAN WORK. What then must we do? Do not miss this exciting NOVEMBER REIGNITE, as our dear brother, Pastor David Amosun would share with […]
REIGNITE: Sustaining the Anointing

“Old Anointing will not suffice to impart unction to thy spirit, thine head must have fresh oil poured upon it from the golden horn of the sanctuary or it will cease from its glory.” Charles Spurgeon October REIGNITE is here and we surely need His oil/ Anointing to run through the remaining months of this […]

SAVE THE DATES! Calvary Ministries (CAPRO) International Office -(CAPRO LAGOS) Presents and cordially invites you to LDG 2022. LDG is prophetic and a clarion call for every believer (the Church of Jesus) in Lagos to arise to fulfill the Global Mandate. It would hold in 5 different locations (zones) in the city with just one […]
JULY REIGNITE is Here! Three major things this Sunday: PRAY, PRAY and PRAY

Do you know that ‘ there has never been a spiritual awakening in any country that did not begin in united prayer? (Arthur T.Pierson) Brethren, this July Reignite is a wake up call for the church. We need to arise in the place of prayer and with one voice cry to Heaven that He may […]

Dear brethren, do you know anyone who is a graduate of our DIMEP training? Kindly forward to them. See flyer for Details Thank you.

MASTER; MISSION; MATE. We are Chosen and Treasured and we must maximise the grace of God as Singles. Our feelings and thoughts may make us weak, but Christ makes us strong. He is our Anchor in this journey. Please do not miss this awesome experience of God’s presence and encouragement. Be there! Invite others! God […]